Friday, May 05, 2006

Fascinating Petro

Venezerola? With friends like that, you think he'd know how to run a business--or at least get the valves opened on time.


Tecumseh said...

Nice ruban de soie around il Lider Máximo. You think the inFidel can teach a trick or two from the Scientific Economy playbook to his disciple? Like, how to have a crappy crop 50 years in a row due to bad weather, or something?

Mr roT said...

Looks like Hugo found out how to run out of oil while floating in it. Did you read the article?

Tecumseh said...

Read only the first half. But what's new -- commies (and their modern day wanabee avatars) always have a knack at screwing up the economy, it's how they are programmed.

Mr roT said...

good pun

Arelcao Akleos said...

From the picture alone, it is clear that they have found True Love. It is not every Caudillo, or man for that matter, who is so lucky....Now, which of them is the Princess and which is the Dread Pirate Roberts?

Tecumseh said...

Perhaps we will be treated with some Photoshop wonder showing which one is which. But perhaps this would seem lèse-majesté to the artist, who only feels secure in mocking the US President.
Il Lidero Maximo, that's another story...