Friday, May 05, 2006

the market

I wonder what this conservative crowd thinks of this effort at bettering public health when it conflicts with anti-regulation & free-market principles.


Tecumseh said...

I'm not ideological on this one -- of course, the market is not something absolute, there are some limitations, eg, public health, and this looks like such a case.

Mr roT said...

I think it's stupid as hell. If parents don't want their kids to drink Cokes they should beat the sense into their fat asses. Ain't the school's job.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, I hear ya, but this doesn't work. You gotta be pragmatic now and then, know when to fight for principle, and when to fold for expediency.

The Darkroom said...

...but is it the school's job to facilitate the consumption of junk ?

Mr roT said...

The school's job to facilitate the consumption of junk...
Ever take a history course in a US school, Pepe? If the topic of the month is WWII, you can expect that 23 days of it will be talking about the internment of Japanese.
A Coke a day on the gut and ass doesn't seem so bad as what those idiots are doing to the minds.

The Darkroom said...

?? is your point that it is either or?
Coke or bad education ?

Your statement was "If parents don't want their kids to drink Cokes they should beat the sense into their fat asses. Ain't the school's job."

Mine is why does the school bring the coke machines in there in the first place ?