Saturday, May 06, 2006

The plot thickens

We got a Kennedy, booze and drugs, a car crash, a coverup -- what else is missing? Oh, yes, here it is:
“I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by the police or being cited for three driving infractions,” he said. “That’s not how I want to live my life.”
Despite his contention that he had no memory of the incident, Kennedy offered a detailed version of events just one day earlier - including the time he was driving and the exact street location. Murky details continued to trickle out from the congressman with a revelation to the Providence Journal that he spent the hours before the crash with an unidentified woman.


The Darkroom said...

Good thing the sheriff is shedding all the light possible on this important case: was kennedy jay-walking before he stepped in his car ? Did he throw paper wraps out the window ? perhaps he talked on his cell phone while driving, thereby endangering the lives of other commuters. american people deserve to know - the future of democracy demands no less.

The Darkroom said...

the similarity of the kennedy's with the bushes is entertaining: both scions of political families, both unable to hold a job, both drunks. The only difference is that w is older. hopefully k will turn out to be as successful

Tecumseh said...

At least the Bushes don't kill people by driving cars over bridges, or planes into the sea, and don't kill themselves by skiing into trees. If wonder driver Pat gets re-elected (let elone elected to higher office) it would mean that the good people of Rhode Island are getting gaga. My prediction is that this won;t happen: he'll throw in the towel relatively soon, and get back to what he does best -- nurse a bottle of bourbon, and aimlessly drive a car around. But one should never underestimate the faithfulness of yellow-dog Democrats to their Kennedy sire -- as the name says, they would rather vote for a yellow dog than an evil Republican.

Tecumseh said...

Looks like the peons will vote for their sire again, and again. Oh well, hat's how it goes in banana republics.

"It doesn't make him a bad guy, having a drink," said Phil Bellino, the owner of Vallees Italian Restaurant in Woonsocket. But he said that changed nothing for him: ". . . Course not. You kidding me? Politicians drink like fish around here."


Mr roT said...

I don't trust people who don't drink, drive, carouse, and cover-up. They're sissies or something.

Tecumseh said...

What's wrong with plainly walking if tipsy-turvy? Also, why get out of bed and drive, instead of staying in bed after a drink or five? Methinks Paddy boy is missing a wire or two...

Mr roT said...

He's just goal-oriented.