Monday, May 08, 2006

Presidente por la vida

An interesting effort - if he can stick to it.


The Darkroom said...

this reminds me of limbaugh a few years back claiming that clinton was going to change the constitution to try for a third term. do you have an unfair and out of balance source for this ?

Tecumseh said...

This was an Associated Press story, relayed by Fox News. AP not good enough? Did not find the story on Pravda or ACN (Cuban News Agency), but here is another capitalist stooge newspaper that carries the same story.

Mr roT said...

I had seen it in the NYT yesterday and thought "Dog Bites Man." Pepe sees it and thinks it came from the desk of Karl Rove.

Wake up, Pepe. Chavez is no democrat. You may recall the pictures I posted of him rubbing weenies with Mugabe and Castro. Progressives to be sure, those two, but they don't do the election thing much.

Tecumseh said...

Fidel Castro "progressive"? Progressing to where?

Mr roT said...

Don't tell me, AI, that you have never heard the Cantabrigian paeans to Castro's health care and education triumphs. Or of the vacation trips routed through Mexico or Canada in search of the perfect ideological beach.

Get that head outta the sand, bud.

Tecumseh said...

I still object to the loaded word "progressive". Progressing to what? Les lendemains qui chantent? The glorious future of the Socialist Fatherland? Or the perfect tropical beach for Bierkenstock-clad Cantabrigians?

Mr roT said...

"Progressive" is a term that has been comandeered by those lendemain types. Now I think it means 'pacifist when it's the US with the guns but not when it's Hamas". It means "help tsunami victims unless it's by the US Navy". It means "human rights unless an enemy of the US is the dictator in question".

That's what "progressive" has come to mean so far as I know. Have a look here.

Tecumseh said...

OK, OK, Big Brother. I see the light. Newspeak rulz!