Wednesday, May 10, 2006

quota and sophistry: we need some hip-hop in there

Who doesn't have hip-hop in their library?

Moreover, the whole of their [Sasha Frere-Jones and Jessica Hopper] sustained attack against Merritt is founded on the dangerous and stupid notion that one's taste in music can be interrogated for signs of racist intent the same way a university's admissions process can: If the number of black artists in your iPod falls too far below 12.5 percent of the total, then you are violating someone's civil rights.

Personally don't care for hip-hop myself. Although, while recognizing that it is some bizarre outward expression of material wealth (or whatever), I find the autos (regardless of who is driving) that slowly drive by going BoOOOOom-BoOOOom-BoOOOm with the twenty-seven inch chrome spinners quite amusing. It's a real spectacle, but only in an absurd sort of way. It seems like a waste of ear drums and time... maybe it's just me.


Mr roT said...

Yeah, this forced equivalence/egalitarianism is idiotic. Steyn wrote recently about this dumb idea that all cultures are equally 'valid'. The nicest counterexample (which he doesn't mention) is the Jews, I think. Before about 100 years back, where were the Jewish physicists?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Another friend of mine suggested that anyone who embraces this image is guilty of propogating the stereotype.