Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tu quoque!

OK, for the moral equivalence test: Rumsfeld is communing with Saddam so that the Iranians would have a nice local proxy enemy. I think it has been established by recent events that Iran was a good candidate for subverting and containing. In fact they are a wonderful choice for target-acquisitions now, in my humble opinion.

Chirac, on the other hand, is diddling Saddam in order to close a deal on a nuclear plant that, very fortunately, the Israelis knocked out of existence for us.

Let us reflect a little on who is the worse guy between Chirac and Rumsfeld. Trop facile, indeed.


Tecumseh said...

JJ, you beat me to the punch with this -- or rather, I thought about posting something along these lines, but got lazy. At any rate, well said, except perhaps target-acquisition, which I think needs to stay singular, for grammatical reasons. Yes?

Tecumseh said...

What's up there?

Mr roT said...

Jimmy Carter. A man they can look up to.