Monday, September 18, 2006

Anne Applebaum Goes Crusader!

It's a sad day when one gets excited if a columnist for the Post says something obvious.


Arelcao Akleos said...

It is obvious. I am excited. It is sad.

Mr roT said...

You think Gail Collins is next or will she stay wrong in the face of the obvious.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, surprising to see that there still are some isolated voices in the MSM who would try to stand up for the West, and elementary freedoms, in times like this.

But we can all unite in our support for freedom of speech -- surely the pope is allowed to quote from medieval texts -- and of the press. And we can also unite, loudly, in our condemnation of violent, unprovoked attacks on churches, embassies and elderly nuns.

Wish this were true, but evidently it's not the case. The Left has gone too much out on a limb in its Faustian pact, to get back from the brink, I'm afraid.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Applebaum has aimed her Bullshit Detector on more than one regime.

Mr roT said...

Thanks mft. I knew I had heard of her recently about something. Too much hops in my brew makes me forgetful. Perhaps it was no big deal that Applebaum say these obvious things. To see them on the oinion page of the Post is shocking without the byline of Ignatius or Hoagland.
Will would have said that the Pope should be left alone but it's all W's fault anyway.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, I'd also forgotten about Applebaum's book about the Gulag. Anyone who spends the time researching the dreary subject -- one which retains its relevance, I think -- is a good guy (or gal) in my book.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Applebaum is no Solzhenitsyn, but her history of the gulag is engrossing.