Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bush's Errors Are Trine

Would Gore.html have done better?


The Darkroom said...

there is solidarity of the sentimental sort, which is touching, and there is solidarity of the hard security sort, which is when allies are willing to fight your war with you

I think what is meant there is one-way solidarity whereby you stick with your ally regardless of what your own evaluation of the situation is.

This is akin to patriotic sentiment that requires one to support one's own country against one's better judgement (if we all agree, there is no issue). I dare say that us europeans are blessed with a cultural immunity to such spontaneous self-abnegation.

Mr roT said...

What I worry about, Pepe, is that this 'cultural immunity' of yours might be exactly decadence. Europeans used to stand for something and fight for it. Now they seem to roll over and enjoy their last decent decades.

The Darkroom said...

Europeans used to stand for something and fight for it

Well, we are standing against the US's insane Middle East Policy if that wasn't clear !

Mr roT said...

Banksy's little petulant bits of infantile vandalism don't really measure up to the Battle of the Somme.

The Darkroom said...

huh ? how did banksy sneek into this ?

Mr roT said...

Well, we are standing against the US's insane Middle East Policy if that wasn't clear ! Seems the best Europe can muster. No?

Tecumseh said...

I still don't know who Banksy is. But JJ summed it up pretty well in post #2. hey man, the ouzo fog is lifting, at least momentarily? Keep it up, keep it up. Maybe Paris will help?

Arelcao Akleos said...

With Paris, JJ is Burning