Saturday, September 23, 2006

Euro-welfare Recips Make Spruce Goose


Tecumseh said...

It is often cited as a "social enterprise" of the European model, not merely interested in profits, but in public service and the welfare of its employees.

That sort of thing may work for the Cheeseboard, a cooperative selling bread & cheese (quite yummy) in Berkeley. I mean, even if you wear beads and Bierkenstocks, and have Peace signs all over the place, how badly can you screw up a deli? But when it comes to building big Coanda stuff that flies in the air, well, you can't have hare-krisna-pinko-lefty-nanny-state-alan-alda-we-are-the-world types running the show, can you?

Mr roT said...

The commies at Cheeseboard aren't stupid. Look at their prices.

Tecumseh said...

They must pay their tithe to Fidel, Hugo & Co?

Tecumseh said...

Actually, let me go grab a cheese-filled scone from there, it's not bad. But I'll draw the line at carrying a baguette under my arm, Pepe-like.

Mr roT said...

Eating a scone is the gayest possible activity legal in public.

The Darkroom said...

You should try their pizza just next door. Once a year around this season they make a porcini pizza. you don't want to miss that.

The Darkroom said...

Eating a scone is the gayest possible activity legal in public.
JJ - unlike you, the rest of us insert the scone in our mouths.

Mr roT said...

Yep. Cheeseboard pizza kicks ass. I missed porcini day. Thanks for the advice on scones. I thought them so unpalatable that inserting them rectally was the best way.

The Darkroom said...

You have spent too much time in China i gather.

Mr roT said...

Was just about to post that. My favorite line was 'my appetite was headed for the airport'.