Saturday, September 16, 2006

Going to Canossa

Time for sackcloth and ashes?


The Darkroom said...

From Pius XII and his (christian?) tolerance for genocide to JP II and his opposition to contraception, popes seem bent on making fools of themselves. I think we will enjoy watching this one squirm for a while...

Mr roT said...

Of course your point of view brings you to this, Pepe.

The irony of a billion 'moderate' muslims seething and threatening violence over the Pope calling Islam a seething and violent religion is just too National Review for you to see.

The Pius XII story is a crock of shit, incidentally. I have looked that over a couple times while in Europe.

That's irony too. The Italian Jews are pushing to remove Catholic religion from the schools. If they win, they will get Islam taught there in its place.


Tecumseh said...

Anything to back up that vile calumny against Pius XII, besides visceral anti-catholicism?

As for JP II, he merely reaffirmed the doctrine of the Church. That's the mandate of the Pope, FYI.

Tecumseh said...

Well said, JJ. And, yes, as I've said many times, the death-wish, kool-aid, anti-Western, nihilistic pinko-Left is utterly predicatbe in its reactions to current events -- about as predictable as the seething-and-threatening-violence mobs you mention. Good ole Pavlov, he coulda used a Bierkenstock-clad guy for his experiments, with about the same results.

The Darkroom said...

As for JP II, he merely reaffirmed the doctrine of the Church. That's the mandate of the Pope, FYI.

The doctrine of the church is immutable and the pope a rubber-stamp ?

JJ - I always took the accusations against Pius XII as having historical accuracy. It'd be interesting to hear otherwise.

Mr roT said...

as I've said many times, the death-wish, kool-aid, anti-Western, nihilistic pinko-Left is utterly predicatbe in its reactions to current events --

They were predictably indulgent about Guenther Grass weren't they? As long as he was wistfully nostalgic for Erich Honecker's Stasiland East Germany against Great Satan Reagan, he passed the morality test. Oops! He was SS.

The Darkroom said...

the death-wish, kool-aid, anti-Western, nihilistic pinko-Left
AI - given that this caption is in almost hte same form in almost everyone of your posts, it might be a good idea to save on digital ink & create an acronym for this. Let's call it DWKAAWNPL, or NPL for short.

You could even use the TNPLBS acronym which we'd all understand to mean "Typical nihilistic pinko-leftie bull shit".

I'd say
"is it truly necessary to water board every dark-haired bearded man on the face of the earth just to assuage america's obsession with terrorism ?"
and you could just reply
and get back to whatever you were doing.

Tecumseh said...

TNPLBS! I like that suggestion. OK, I'll use it if I can remember the acronym -- it's a bit of a tongue twister. Anything more catchy? Remember, there is always Bierkenstock-clad, lilly-livered, bleeding-heart, brie-and-chablis, Rive Gauche limousine liberal to choose from.

Mr roT said...

Why not just say 'Democrat' or 'John Kerry'?

Mr roT said...

Here's something about Pius' 'complicity' with Hitler. Here la Fallaci flays JPII for suffering Aziz gladly: They are in Rome where the communists left by the door and re-entered through the window like the birds of the Hitchcock movie. And where, pestering the world with his ecumenism, his pietism, his Thirdworldism, Pope Wojtyla receives Tariq Aziz as a dove or a martyr who is about to be eaten by lions. (Then he sends him to Assisi where the friars escort him to the tomb of St. Francis.)

Tecumseh said...

I'm trying to be as decriptive -- and accurate -- as I can. There is still a bit of variance left in the Democratic Party, though after Joe Lieberman's excommunication, it looks more monolithically Lefty than ever. As for Jean Francois Kerry, OK, that's closer to the mark, and more precise. But he's also a poltician, and more careful with words -- eg, I kind of doubt he would frontally attack the Pope in South Boston. Maybe if he were safely ensconced in his digs in Louisbourg Carré?

Tecumseh said...

As for JP II, you'll never catch me criticizing him. All right, maybe he did a few things I wouldn't have supported, but the Vatican is also a State, and as such, must do some politicking. Why cast the first stone?

Mr roT said...

CNN reports:

Criticism was not confined to Muslims. The New York Times said in an editorial on Saturday that he must issue a "deep and persuasive" apology for quotes used in his speech.

"The world listens carefully to the words of any pope. And it is tragic and dangerous when one sows pain, either deliberately or carelessly," the Times said.

"He needs to offer a deep and persuasive apology, demonstrating that words can also heal," it added.

Tecumseh said...

The NYT used to be called the Pravda on the Hudson. Now, it's Al Jazeera on the Hudson. Plus ca change, plus la Putain sur le Hudson stays the same.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, Pius XII had a vast tolerance for genocide, which is why France was so much more adept at saving Jews than Italy, or the "Protestant" lands than the Catholic ones. As for JPII and his Sacrilege against the Pill, where is your concern for Social Justice, Pepe? The Pill was produced by Kapitalists. These exploited womens bodies for their Profit. Each moment of joy, cleansed of unwanted biological byproduct, was another gold piece in the coffers of the oppressive moneyed classes. Her value in sweat robbed by the dark forces of private enterprise. Perhaps JPII was simply properly influenced by the progressiveness that was Polish Communism? Be careful, komrade Pepe, or some might think you have counterrevolutionary tendencies.

The Darkroom said...

As for JPII and his Sacrilege against the Pill, where is your concern for Social Justice, Pepe? The Pill was produced by Kapitalists.
and I am a rabid commie ? just curious.