Thursday, September 14, 2006

No drinking or driving till 25?

I'm a bit unclear on the concept the British Nanny Staters are proposing, but it looks like they want to increase the age limit for driving, or drinking, or both, to 25. Hmmmm.... How long can it be till their kindred souls in Cambridge & Berkeley start agitating for the same? Will this sell in, say, Bismarck or Fargo?


The Darkroom said...

Re: I'm a bit uncldear

Here's your answer:

It says the scientific evidence is now clear that alcohol and tobacco have chemical effects on the human brain similar to illegal drugs and they can no longer neglect two of the most harmful mood-changing drugs simply because they are legal.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Will this sell in, say, Bismarck or Fargo?

It depends on how well organized the Righteous and Moral Teetotalers are. They along with the Women's Christian Temperance Movement were influential enough when Dakota Territory was transitioning to North and South Dakota statehood that temperance was ratified as a part of North Dakota's 1889 Constitution.

If Temperence sells, we'll do now what they did back then: fire up the moonshine stills.