Friday, September 01, 2006

Ponte Romano Bimillenario

The provinces of the East present the contrast of Roman magnificence with Turkish barbarism. The ruins of antiquity scattered over uncultivated fields, and ascribed, by ignorance to the power of magic, scarcely afford a shelter to the oppressed peasant or
wandering Arab. - Edw. Gibbon

Here we have a view of the local Provençal culture's superiority over the barbaric Turk.

Une légende valdôtaine: Le pont de Pont-Saint-Martin

Saint Martin arriva un jour à Pont-Saint-Martin, où les habitants lui demandèrent son aide pour construire un pont sur le Lys. Saint-Martin se mit d'accord avec le diable, qui accepta de le réaliser à condition qu'on lui livre le premier être vivant qui le franchirait . Au moment d'ouvrir le pont, saint Martin y fit passer un chien, tournant ainsi le diable en dérision.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Is that you under the bridge JJ?

Mr roT said...

Nope. Behind the camera.

Tecumseh said...

Great pic, JJ! You're becoming a pro. Now, if you only learned how to click on things...

Mr roT said...

AI, right you are. My clicking here at work is lame. I cannot revise this post as I would like to. I will put some more goodies with deep historical content and a vicious poke at the Frogs and satisfying to a turkophobe like yourself. I know you are salivating.

BTW, JHBH has Demon DPA on starting tonight! Want a pint or two?

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, if we could somehow figure out a way to bend space and light, I'd meet you for a pint or too many this evening.

In reality though, I found a six pack of this Fuller's Pale Ale. The goddamned limeys have yet to discover refrigeration, so I put it in my Yankee ice box. They'll be cold by this evening.

JJ, you seem to dabble in the highfalutin ales and beers. This Fuller's punched my wallet for eleven of the Republic's dollars. Is that normal price? If that's the case, I can recommend a more regional beer that would likely taste just as good — or better — for almost half the price (for example: icy cold Dos Equis XX lager does a real good job; even better when good Mexican or Tex-Mex food is being served up).

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ: Since you've uploaded these pics on some subdivision of Widpedia, it reminded me to ask if I sent you Marshall Poe, "The Hive" article about Wikpedia? It's in the September/2006 issue of the Atlantic. I'll fire it your way if you'd like.

Mr roT said...

Sure, MFT. I am a Wikihater, personally, but think it an interesting phenomenon. I am also interested in these things google runs where you can offer your expertise to anyone anywhere for money. Sometimes I feel it would be a better way of making a living than coming to work.

About beer and other important matters, the Fuller's Pale Ale is not one of my faves so I have never priced it. About two bucks a pop is what ESB costs so ballpark, I reckon that's a fair liquor store. Americans make the best IPAs and Pale Ales are underhopped IPAs in my book. I'll post something tonight about this.

The ESB is absolutely useless for accompanying food. It is heavy and very strong-tasting. It would be like drinking a gin and tonic with your food. Yuck.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Like you, I've become a bit jaded (or let myself become jaded) by Wiki-university, but that mainly has to do with a couple plaigarists I busted last spring. They cut-n-pasted directly from Wikpedia. It was hilariously disgusting, and I turned the papers over to the professors and notified the chair. It pissed me off for many reasons.

For example, I'll sit in front of this wordprocessor with xeroxes of primary source material spread everywhere, piling over secondary sources, and trying to think about how I'm going to synthesize and best convey it to the reader while remembering to footnote — gotta have that empirical paper trail for the next guy. On good days I average about one paragraph/two hours. Meanwhile Joe or Jane Freshman surfs MTV for the whole semester and then decides to cut'n'paste wikpedia the night before the term paper is due, and pass it off to the grader as though nothing is wrong. I interpret that as a challenge to my intelligence (which is better some days than others). I digress.

Anyhow, I'll send the Marshall Poe article to your e-mail in-box and get to one of these chilled Fullers.

Tecumseh said...

BTW, JHBH has Demon DPA on starting tonight! Want a pint or two?

DSounds good, if you can ship it where I am. BTW, how come you never answer your phone? You know, there is a button you need to push. One of these days, I'll show you how.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ said: "I am also interested in these things google runs where you can offer your expertise to anyone anywhere for money. Sometimes I feel it would be a better way of making a living than coming to work."

Yes, probably (AA is probably the bloke we want to speak to regarding probable probability). A friend of mine (and AA's) who just finished his stats doctorate put his resumé on-line a couple years ago. In the course of two hours he got four or five calls from various brokerage firms offering, from what I remember, some pretty decent salary. He was more curious about the type of response than agreeing to any type of job.