Thursday, September 21, 2006

Rumors and The Pakistani

Take it for what it's worth. But don't forget that rumors were telling in the buildup to 911. I will note, however, that I am safer than you are. So should this be no mere rumor I , at least, will be around to say "Oops"


The Darkroom said...

Relax aa - they just busted the terrorists that were about to trample your lawn and convert your golden retreiver.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, thanks for this story. Davaraye Mungin, 16, and Damia Bowie, 16 are obviously muslim types. Check them names.
AA, if our finances were in better shape we could go to I think this article is nonsense. You?

Arelcao Akleos said...

It is, shall we say, improbable. On the other hand, in case that mote of positive probability pans out, I have staked out my right to spout an irritating "Ha Ha" from my little Eden of Mountain and Sea.

Mr roT said...

Grad school in Eden is still hell.

Arelcao Akleos said...

But at least it is no longer the Ninth Circle!

Arelcao Akleos said...

The Ninth Circle, "a darkness of wind and where no heat warms the frozen soul", was clearly Minnesota.
Whereas Houston was whichever layer of Hell is most famously incinerating.
Grad school, even in Eden, is clearly not where Cicero roams....but there are depths to Hell below this, comrades.

Tecumseh said...

Look, guys, I'm jumpy already, I do not need yet another reason to worry me sick. I dunno -- just because JJ said, "don't worry, be happy" makes me even more nervous. It's like when I was climbing the mountains with a certain someone -- whenever she would say we need to turn left, I knew the right thing to do was to turn right (anyone else had that experience?) At any rate, JJ is my canary in the mine, only in reverse: when he says don't panic! I know it's time to push the panic button (and vice-versa!). OK, I'll go take a nap now.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Should we rebaptize JJ as Canary Rue?

Mr roT said...

AI! Your pills! You know you can't work without your pills.