Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sensation Whores and Yellow Journalism: 1897 and 2006

As we were certain to find, Ontario isn't the only bastion for conspiracy and the like:

...When Campbell cites a press observer from the time writing that Hearst could create the best English-language newspaper if he were to "cut his newspaper in two, publish the real, vital news in one part, and the sensations, rot, and nonsense in the other," you can't help but think how much you could improve CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC by ripping Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, Rita Cosby, and other sensation-seeking ratings whores from their lineups.

Back in 1897, critics decried the "decay" of American journalism—sound familiar?...

...The Hearst tradition of making everything dramatic continues to live large on cable TV. It disgorges oceans of yellow journalism each week in both its news and opinion slots. At CNN, Lou Dobbs pushes the tabloid limits of xenophobia and on the network's sister channel, Headline News, Nancy Grace specializes in unsolved and weird murders. At MSNBC, the recently demoted Rita Cosby mixes a dumber version of Nancy Grace with whatever trash she can fish off the wires. With the exception of Brit Hume's program, Fox glows an incandescent yellow at most opportunities.


Mr roT said...

Of course the writing here is a little on the overwrought side...

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, it's difficult to write about sensationalism without getting a bit excited and sensational.