Sunday, September 03, 2006

Spanish ruling

So what's wrong with eating sunflower seeds and surfing the net while at work? Caramba!


My Frontier Thesis said...

I don't know if this sentence was intentional, or if it was just coincidental metaphor:

The [Supreme Court] sentence noted that in Spanish law there is no specific prohibition of using the Internet for private ends.

Hmmm... this fellow should be free to use the internet for his private ends, right?

Tecumseh said...

Are you beating around the bush, or what?

Mr roT said...

Interesting story. The Italian Supremes made a similar ruling this summer. Last year's harassment seminar we got some nonsense to the following effect: If you're lookiing at porn on the net at work it could make someone else uncomfortable and therefore constitute a tort.

Europe is happily behind the US on this nonsense.

Tecumseh said...

Have some sunflower seeds. Goes with pickles. And a hoppy brew.