Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You Say You Want a Convolution...


Tecumseh said...

So what's this about "clean function" and "dirty function"? I don't get it. Better stick to hand-waving.

Mr roT said...

The two functions being convolved are discontinuous. Their convolution is continuous. Convolution is a trip to the cleaners.

The Darkroom said...

Your point is that the convolution of 2 discontinuouis functions is continuous ? What's the big deal ?

Mr roT said...

A pretty picture. A little higher than those of Paris Hilton.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah JJ, I suspected this post had something to do with Paris titties.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Whatever we may think of Ms. Hilton, she surely is adept at Bump Functions.