Monday, December 04, 2006

the truth, or Damage Control?

I can see how this might have been lost in the mistranslation. In the end, who cares. I thought I'd bring it up.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Either of those things where maybe you had to be there and catch tone, etc...
I like Paltrow, so, what the heck, I'll just not give a damn about this.
Anybody see her in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"?? Her Nemesis was, guess who? Yup, the fearsome wench Angelina Jolie, the Bane of Fargo

My Frontier Thesis said...

Sounds like a wonderful movie. Did Paltrow kick those big lips of Jolie's? Both of 'em? Or all four of 'em? (AI knows what I'm talking about)

Tecumseh said...

I must confess I never saw her in a movie. She good? Maybe it's all a Portuguese plot, to saw discord among the Anglos?? I'll go with Occam's razor by general principles -- she must be your typical Hollywood nitwit, who feels compelled to act pinko-leftie so as to cover their ass with the bien-pensant Nomenklatura for making out like bandits.

Tecumseh said...

Oh yeah, MFT -- I know what you're talking about. Those fish lips, full of silicone, are a thing of beauty, one that JJ deeply appreciates.

Arelcao Akleos said...

No, but she gave Jolie a withering look. And Gwyneth is as good with withering as she is with a wonderfully enigmatic smile. An interesting flick, worth the watching

My Frontier Thesis said...

Where the hell is JJ? He turns up every now and again to complain about how much we're posting, and then just disappears. Has he gone lurker on us?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Actually, my guess is that he's going through a tough spell and just needs to rest a bit......Not like we know what that would be like.

Tecumseh said...

I think JJ is trying to write a paper. And, he's like good ole Jerry Ford: can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Only sequentially.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Otherwise, it is all complex manifold