Saturday, April 04, 2009

International fashion icons


Tecumseh said...

Michelle gets a taste of Frenchy life: Such violence is not all that common here. But marches, strikes and demonstrations are a standard form of public expression in France, and cars are regularly burned on the weekends in Stasbourg's poorer neighborhoods. Duhhh. What else?

Tecumseh said...

As for Palin, Here's more dirt on her, uncovered by our enterprising (and ever vigilant) media.

Mr roT said...

Wasn't that Hitchens? Oh, wait. He came out for Obama like you and AA.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rot's Implication:
If "Tecs and AA came out for Obama", then "It was Hitchens".

Hmmmm, well at least Rot's nonsense is yet logically valid. Pepe weeps.

Tecumseh said...

Or perhaps it was Susan, smoking a Coanda pipe. Whatever, Mr Rot.