A weak President, or one who has a current of sympathy for the aims of tyrants? I says that, no matter how Obama may be with weakness, he definitely exudes [and has for many years] powerful currents of sympathy for any anti-american strong horsie. Not that he would bow to them, of course.
Or maybe he's just likes that Ol' Timey fun.
remembrance of recent things past Jesus weeps? Maybe. Pepe leaps? Joyfully.
yeah, i heard he eats white children for breakfast too.
so you think he is a racist?
One Pepe Leaping
If renouncing torture, the setting aside of the rule of law when it becomes inconvenient, and third-world-level social inequality is being anti american, you are right.
Pepe, the beauty of your command of English is that you write truth precisely when what you write is what you never intended to write. Just in case you try to delete the comment, let me save it for the historical record. It is so worthy, that writ of yours:
"If renouncing torture, the setting aside of the rule of law when it becomes inconvenient, and third-world-level social inequality is being anti american, you are right"
Really, Le Pew, it is a concise and marveous sketch of what Obamakles' efforts are all about. With one caveat, the first three words need to be amended to "If renouncing waterboarding when it would save Ricains from defeat and death". That wee shift, and your words have passed from the merely marvelous to the absolutely perfect.
Danke, Le Pew. If you had not been born, the Gods would have been less mirthful.
If renouncing waterboarding when it would save Ricains from defeat and death
This is the argument of torturers everywhere. It holds no water: read the article from the CIA operative I listed yesterday. Ad to that the discovery that some AQ members had to be tortured close to 200 times - why so often if it's that efficient ? The true justification lies in nothing more than satisfying the lust for base revenge from the wackos at the top who truly had no time for the rule of law.
And one has to marvel at the notion that someone as quick as you to stand on his soap box to sing praises for american-style democracy and freedom is as ready to drop these fundamental principles if it's convenient. It reminds me of a self-described Argentinan democrat (stricto sensu) friend in the 80s who used to find Videla's actions perfectly justifiable in the face of the scourge of student unrest.
Shallow convictions and narrow aspirations is what you embody in spite of your never ending rhetorical flourishes.
Pepe. Bullshit. First, read the many reports as to how the attacks on LA were prevented by waterboarding your favorite fatboy Khaled.
Second, the US Constitution,the Bill of Rights, are the foundation for this nation. It commands the principles by which american citizens [and, ipso facto, legal residents] are to be treated under the laws of this once free Republic. It says nothing as to how we are to confront our enemies, nor what we should do before those whose aim is the obliteration of the Constitution and any notion of a Bill of Rights. In fact, what it does detail is the necessity of the government to defend this nation. If beating up on Khaled saves this nation, there is nothing in the constitution that denies us this option. Now a Christian might say "it ain't what Christ would do", but then Christ wasn't trying to save any democracy.
But what about the Geneva Convention? As no doubt Pepe would spew. The Geneva convention explictily limits its rules to signees of the Geneva convention, and even then only to marked combatants. As it is, we follow out of our own accord the rules of the Geneva convention for all marked combatants of any nation, whether signee or not. But there is no legal, nor moral, compulsion to do likewise for unmarked combatants or for organizations which do not represent a branch of a government. The Geneva convention does not apply to spies, for example, never mind terrorists.
In the end, you have no legal or moral basis for denying Ricains the means to protect themselves--except this: "I prefer Dead Ricains to Dead Enemies of the Ricains". For that is precisely the situation faced with IM, and that is precisely the choice you have pushed for years now.
Oh, still, I must thank you for your perfect appraisal of Obama's anti-americanism. It is not often I've the chance to give you encomiums, for not often do you earn them. But, you so absolutely have. Congrats, Bleu.
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