Saturday, February 13, 2010

Corrupted to the core

(Or is it the spine?) Aw, forgeddabout it, it's all a sham, says Phil Jones. Utah shows them the finger. "Impartial" Nature honcho resigns from panel.


Mr roT said...

OK, I read both pieces. Bottom line for me is that these bastards should be in jail.
That's a lot of taxpayer money that was stolen/wasted fraudulently and that's a crime.
These guys are no better than the mafia in Jersey.

Tecumseh said...

It's not just the stolen money, or all the money down the drain. The much bigger loss is all the energy and money that was diverted from something hopefully more constructive into this bottomless pit. And still is.

Mr roT said...

There was no energy diverted if you mean effort on the part of competent scientists. This was time spent by hacks, sycophants, and frauds. As such it was inherently worthless and so it's the money I care about.

Let these creeps discuss fashion all they want, as long as it's on their own time. If it's on my dime, then they should be shot as thieves.

It is true that their "work" probably displaced that of others on valuable and limited resources like computer time, but that again is a matter of money and so I can only go moralistic about that.

It infuriates me that taxpayers work hard to make things and academics then blow it to fly around and act like what they're doing is serious. The seriousness of what they do is then measured according to how big the grants they get. The bigger these are, the more students they get and the more time off they get from actually doing anything worthwhile, like showing undergrads how to do something productive.

Tecumseh said...

Amen to that. But I was also referring to all the time and money and energy debating and/or implementing (or not implementing) the Kyoto treaty, myriad regulations, cap & trade, Copenhagen, etc, etc -- all flowing from this hockey-stick snake-oil hucksterism, aided and abetted by the AlGorean hot air machine.

And this is not just theoretical -- it all has immediate, tangible side-effects. Like, I was just reading about some hospitals in Europe diverting money that they would normally put into equipment, medicines, doctors, and nurses -- into paying "carbon" dispensations that ultimately line up the pockets or hucksters and assorted leeches.

Does the MSM ever cover the seedy underbelly of all this scam? Just kiddin'.

Mr roT said...

Oh. I thought we had just blown money on government parasites flying around and eating canapes with their gfs.