Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Great stuff

[REGURGE: Gorewell. --Tecs]


Tecumseh said...

AlGorean nirvana in fool bloom. Pink crystal night coming just around the corner.

Mr roT said...

To me, the target demographic is a certain subset of spineless, upscale white men (all the perps in the ad are affluent white guys) who just want to go with the flow. In that sense, the Audi ad has a lot in common with those execrable MasterCard commercials. Targeting the same demographic, those ads depicted hapless fathers being harangued by their children to get with the environmental program. MasterCard’s tagline: “Helping Dad become a better man: Priceless.”

These are the same downtrodden men in the slutarama article. Clueless, hapless, betas that make a living.

Tucker drives a Hummer and blows his wad on cute Green Policewomen.

BTW, I hadn't realized that it was actually Cheap Trick that was singing. Cool.

One other question. Is this like the demonsheep? Some weird ads. The psych must be just get attention.