Friday, February 12, 2010

"Hero of the Planet"

.. on the hot seat. The Beeb going Goebbels?


Mr roT said...

Funny that the media follow the viewership.

Tecumseh said...

Kicking and screaming. But at some point, I guess they must condescend to the hoi-polloi, just a tiny bit? Unless they can manage to replicate the glory days of Pravda and Izvestyia..

Mr roT said...

Even they lost their mental hygiene some at the end, no?

Tecumseh said...

You mean, the reincarnation of Pravda in today's Russia? A strange outfit, to say the least. Commie crackup?

Mr roT said...

At least there's scantily clad babes. That's better than pictures of Brezhnev and Chernenko, the pig-eyed old fucks.
I mean great patriotic leaders.