Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Kennedy and Murtha - the gods are angry

One point that's not being mentioned for its lack of decency, I will just come out an make. Murtha died because of an error in a government hospital. This is no argument for or against HC"R" or anything else, particularly. But, it is shaping up to be an Oedipus story here with the gods setting up mofo Obama only to tear him down with Kennedy and Murtha as pawns in the game.
Trivium. Trivium.
Are the gods coming after Obava?
ROBBED! Where's my #1? I wrote his damned piece for him today!!


Mr roT said...

another moral here to take from this is never to go to an opera in Japan.

Anonymous said...

Mikado abutt nutting.

Mr roT said...

a straw-insky argument?

Tecumseh said...

So what happened with Murtha? Docs were trying to cut out the gallbladder, but cut the guts, instead? Sounds like French medicine.

Tecumseh said...

That opera production looks strange. As for those blizzards that keep on coming, looks more like the gods are angry at Al Gore (and Mann, Jones, et al).

Mr roT said...

Yep, yep, and yep.

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, Rot, you gotta disagree with me now and then, or else, where's the fun? Make an effort, willya?

Mr roT said...

Coanda? Hah!


Tecumseh said...

Hah! You spoon-feed that guy this story on a silver platter, and he puts you somewhere in the broad middle, with all the schmucks. The gods have meted some divine justice for doubting Coanda's priority -- and for not paying up the VCP tab!

Tecumseh said...

To add insult to injury, Taranto can't even spell "way": the haughty, French-looking then-junior senator, who by the say served in Vietnam... Why don't you ask him to send us a jeroboam?

Tecumseh said...

Ah, but he comes up with a splendid clincher: So it's really less like being hit by a train than like driving your own car off a bridge. Hah! You didn't feed him that one, did you?

Mr roT said...

OK, I didn't. But I fed him the Greek tragedy and Kennedy and everything else. Bastard put the idiot that sent him the stupid CNN story first.

This is what I get for listening to you, Tecs! Thanks a lot buddy! You'll be forkin over the VCPs for sure now!

Tecumseh said...

"I had left my boyfriend of two and a half years. I had to rebuild my friendships. I was totally MIA to my family. . . . I had made all these sacrifices for two years, and the country is ready for change, and Obama is in the White House, but I had ceded everything to him to be an exhausted 26-year-old in debt."

Ain't this a crying shame? Life is a biatch. Go cry on Rot's shoulder, little Jenn. He has a big heart, and can commiserate with your woes. And he wears sheep's clothing.

Mr roT said...

I am committed to change when the girl is cute enough.

Tecumseh said...
