Thursday, February 11, 2010

The only good Democrat in a while is dead

"I just saw the opportunity to grab the sons o' bitches by the throat."


Tecumseh said...

Charlie Wilson was a happy warrior -- I remember him fondly from the glory days of the early 1980s. Hard to believe he was from the same gang as Harry, Nancy, and Barney. At any rate, here is a little story (which I didn't know) from his wiki article --as good an epitaph as any:

It is speculated that Wilson first entered politics as a teenager by running a campaign against his next-door neighbor, city council incumbent Charles Hazard. When Wilson was 13, his dog entered Hazard's yard. Hazard retaliated by mixing crushed glass into the dog's food, causing fatal internal bleeding. Being a farmer's son, Wilson was able to get a driving permit at age 13, which enabled him to drive 96 voters, mainly black citizens from poor neighborhoods, to the polls. As they left the car, it is speculated that he told each of them that he didn't want to influence their vote, but that the incumbent Hazard had purposely killed his dog. After Hazard was defeated by a margin of 16 votes, Wilson went to his house to tell him he shouldn't poison any more dogs. Wilson cited this as "the day [he] fell in love with America."

Anonymous said...

He won't be anywhere near Kennedy, Murtha, or Boofoo Barney, Botox Brain Piglosi or Reid when they finally go, which cannot be too soon. Communist traitors.

Mr roT said...

Charlie sounds principled....