Monday, September 18, 2006

The ant's perspective

or is it the crab ?


Mr roT said...

Horrific 'art' but it does remind me of a joke:
Dos amigos estan en la playa y uno de ellos le muestra un punto negro sobre
el dedo al otro:
- 'Mira, una pulga inglesa'.
- 'Anda, ¿y cómo sabes que es inglesa?'.
- 'Porque me la he sacado de la ingle'.

The Darkroom said...

es decir que lo saco de la inglesa ? (My slang is rusty).

Mr roT said...

"La ingle" -> def.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I've really got to start learning not to open up freecounterpoint while sundry hordes of PCers are strolling by.

Tecumseh said...

Is this PC as in non-Mac contraptions, or is it PC as in party Line Bierkenstock-Friedan set? Inquiring minds need a more precise statement, devoid of ambiguity.

The Darkroom said...

my apologies - I'll place a warning in the title next time.

Arelcao Akleos said...

A warning would be nice, but no need to apologize Pepe. After all, JJ has sent a couple of things which, after I blithely opened the site, did not endear me, at all, to the rather cold-blooded feminists in the office. I tell myself to always wait for solitude to dare enter the chambers of this realm of discourse, but then lack of sleep and coffee wring out the brain and....

Mr roT said...

Your bullish colleagues should have found this exhilarating.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I believe that only deepened their anger. For the more exhilirated they felt the more they resented my presence styming their expression of exhiliration. And I, by giving them a glimpse of coveted fruit, and then denying them a taste, was carrying out the ultimate Patriarchal Nightmare before their unbelieving progressive eyes.
But, as JJ knows, I paid for my transgressions.

Mr roT said...

OK, so they were hating you as they scribbled the url with frenzied, mannish permanently smelly fingers.