Saturday, September 16, 2006



Tecumseh said...

This story reminds me of those funny "romans policiers" by Frédéric_Dard (a.k.a. San Antonio), that I used to read with passion many years ago. One recurring character in those polars was l'Infidel Castré. Anyone else knows those books?

Tecumseh said...

« Et puisque notre destin est de finir dans un trou, fasse le ciel qu'il ait du poil autour ! »

Mr roT said...

Wonderful stuff. Better than Woody's, I'd opine. Never heard of Dard before today.

Tecumseh said...

« Tout ce que pense, dit et fait un con est con. » I dare you to translate that into English!

The list of Dard's San-Antonio novels is here. Just to test you French, do you get the double entendre, and the movie reference from Certaines l'aiment chauve?

Mr roT said...

'Some like it hot' is the movie reference. I am not sure about the double entendre, but in Tex-Mex, pelón (=baldy) means dick.