Saturday, September 16, 2006

May 10 More Racists Like This One Sprout

Pepe, read the last two paragraphs in here.


Tecumseh said...

How come I didn't get those chocolates filled with Cognac? I want some!

Mr roT said...

You need to start crying at la Fallaci's house.

Tecumseh said...

I'll do whatever it takes. Were those Godiva chocolates, or even better?

Tecumseh said...

Thus, I ask: what if instead of learning freedom Iraq becomes a second Talibani Afghanistan? What if instead of becoming democratized by the Pax Americana the whole Middle East blows up and the cancer multiplies? As a proud defender of the West's civilization, without reservations I should join Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair in the new Alamo. Without reluctance I should fight and die with them. And this is the only thing about which I have no doubts at all.

Aahhh, but what would the French have done at the Alamo? Can there be any doubt whatsoever?

The Darkroom said...

JJ - this apocalyptic discourse of muslims trampling the west's manicured lawns is just ridiculous. I understand it resonates well in the american psyche already acustomed at being terrified by imaginary razor blades in apples for halloween, killer bees migrating from the South (where them smelly payple with big hats live), and sexual predators preying on our children.

Again, the USSR was a potent ennemy with the means to cause harm - the muslim wackos have fortunately very limited fire power and the best strategy is to isolate rather than provoke them.

(This woman is also delirious when she is stating that Saddam is the most dangerous dictator around. As we have seen, he was little more than a paper tiger.) Enough with the baseless alarmist crap.

The Darkroom said...

I should join Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair in the new Alamo. Without reluctance I should fight and die with them.
I am truly sorry it didn't pan out this way...

Mr roT said...

Pepe, the date on the article is a couple years back before the NYT had convinced you and the rest of America that all this WOT stuff is a sinister ploy to steal our liberty and give it to Halliburton, or whatever.
The business about what Islamic immigration is doing to Europe is obvious. Youshould see that these thugs have already moved Spanish democracy to their whims and endangered a fair number of parliamentary districts in the UK.

The Darkroom said...

before the NYT had convinced you and the rest of America that all this WOT stuff is a sinister ploy to steal our liberty and give it to Halliburton, or whatever.
The NYT did no such thing - at the beginning of the war, and in spite of the mounting evidence against the casus belli, it morphed into a propaganda paper for the administration. This was a frequent topic of conversation.

The business about what Islamic immigration is doing to Europe is obvious. You should see that these thugs have already moved Spanish democracy to their whims
How so ?

and endangered a fair number of parliamentary districts in the UK.
Please explique

Tecumseh said...

The NYT did no such thing - at the beginning of the war, and in spite of the mounting evidence against the casus belli, it morphed into a propaganda paper for the administration. This was a frequent topic of conversation.

Caramba! The NYT morphing into a Bush propaganda organ! Wowsers! This must have been a fascinating topic of conversation in the salons where the pinko-Lefty nomenklatura sips its Chablis and munches its Brie, while waxing eloquent on the perils of the US Taliban -- no, not Johhnie Walker Lindh or Adam Gaddhan, but rather, the Southern Evagenlicals.

The Darkroom said...

There is a strange phenomenon here that at the beginning of an armed conflict, newspapers find it suitable to forget their vocation of reporting and morph into propaganda machine. The NYT and the Post were two pathetic examples of that for a long time after the onset of hostilities.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The Post did support the initial actions in Afghanistan and Iraq [Hence "propaganda machines" in PewSprach]. But if Pepe thinks the NYT was a BushKabal Propaganda Machine, again in PewSprachinology, then his embrace of reality is as tight as that of Castro on Elton John.

Tecumseh said...

Well, who knows, maybe l'Infidel Castré is down to embracing Elton in his senectute.

Mr roT said...

Senectute or sphinctertute?

The Darkroom said...

aa - both the NYT and the Poat swallowed the wmd invention without question. I cancelled my subscription because of that.

Tecumseh said...

Why subscribe to some Guttenberg-style journal, when one can get it for free, and read it without smudging one's fingers?

At any rate, I do not accept either premise -- that the NYT supported the removal of Saddam (how could they, his Socialist-Baathist regime was on the same page length), or that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. It just goes to show how deeply ingrained are these lefty urban legends, even if they obviously have no basis in fact. That, coming from supposedly rational utilitarians, who don't believe in God, just in "le culte de la Raison", as that inventor of both the Left and the Terror would have it.

The Darkroom said...

Why subscribe to some Guttenberg-style journal, when one can get it for free, and read it without smudging one's fingers?

1. supporting (often) good journalism for not a lot of money.

2. As silly as it sounds, I like to hold what I read.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I dunno, AI. Pepe caught us redhanded with our obviously concocted claims as to Saddam "Stalin of the Euphrates" Hussein having WMDs. What must have given us away was our preposterous assertion that Hussein had his army use chemical weapons against Iran. Or the even more loony [we did get carried away, eh?] one that his forces gassed Kurdish villages to judge how effective those chemical weapons would be. And then we Lied, baldfaced lies, shameless lies. We said that Saddam had a massive nuclear program stopped by the Israelis at Osirik, in the early 1980's. [those stinking Jews, sons of apes and pigs, were just practicing their firebombing skills on innocent Iraqui children volunteers in an aspirin factory]. We fabricated articles on German and French components for uranium enrichment being found by inspectors after the first Gulf War. And, as the Beloved Leader desperately tried to cooperate and show every nook and cranny of his factories and military centers to the Blixers, we calumnied him with false reports of units being blocked off and inspectors harassed and denied admission. Even that he shot missiles at the observer craft! [as if those amiable middle easters knew what a missile was] We even went so far, and for this we shall know Hell, to suggest that there was a link between the fulsome displays of material affection BL Saddam showered on the good men that ran France, Germany, Russia, the UN, and others, with these nations righteous stand against the BusHitler and his Candy Rice cohorts. Give it to Pepe,AI, for even our most subtle efforts, such as the sting operation where we got Saddy to try to assassinate Bush Sr, or the way we got our stooge Yousef to carry an Iraqui Passport as he "planned" to bring down 11 airplanes, or our front operation at Salman Pak, where our crack CIA operatives fooled hundreds of terrorists into thinking they were actually getting the benefit of Husseinian know how, or our creation of Ansar Al Islam, or the black clad "Fedayeen" we CLAIMED to be there fighting for Saddy against us, or the comically chutzpahian assertions that there was this guy, Zarky, who had stuff all set up with Saddy in case special tactics were needed. Oh, by the way, those Czech security guys who keep insisting they have footage of Atta meeting with an Iraqi operative some two months before 911? We had a crack hack from Bronx High School of Science plant those [you see, it was a conspiracy plot the whole way. So much evidence don't get "found" without a Plan, guys]. Pepe has smelt us out, the jig is up, AI. No bones about it.

The Darkroom said...

AA - save for the chronology, everything you say is correct: your argument is a clear invitation to bomb Japan and Germany all over again.

I was under the comfortable notion that the danger had to be 1. clear, 2. present in order to justify a military strike. In the case of iraq, there was no reason to believe the danger was present. And Blix & Baradei demonstrated (successfully) that the danger wan't clear either.

This was an honest mistake ? check this pre-war song:
Bomb Iraq
(Sung to the tune of "If You're Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands")

If we cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.

If the markets hurt your Mama, bomb Iraq.

If the terrorists are Saudi

And the bank takes back your Audi

And the TV shows are bawdy, Bomb Iraq.

If the corporate scandals growin', bomb Iraq.

And your ties to them are showin', bomb Iraq.

If the smoking gun ain't smokin'

We don't care, and we're not jokin'.

That Saddam will soon be croakin', Bomb Iraq.

Even if we have no allies, bomb Iraq.

From the sand dunes to the valleys, bomb Iraq.

So to hell with the inspections;

Let's look tough for the elections,

Close your mind and take directions, Bomb Iraq.

While the globe is slowly warming, bomb Iraq.

Yay! the clouds of war are storming, bomb Iraq.

If the ozone hole is growing,

Some things we prefer not knowing.

(Though our ignorance is showing), Bomb Iraq.

So here's one for dear old daddy, bomb Iraq,

From his favorite little laddy, bomb Iraq.

Saying no would look like treason.

It's the Hussein hunting season.

Even if we have no reason, Bomb Iraq.