Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Taranto psychoanalyzes Pepe

Why is the liberal left more frightened of George W. Bush than of Osama bin Laden? It is a classic reaction formation, a neurotic response that a feminine Freud who dubs herself "Answer Girl" defines concisely as "behavior or emotion that is the polar opposite of the way someone is or should be feeling, because the authentic emotion is too frightening to deal with."

Got it.


Mr roT said...

This is different than what I thought. I figured the left really doesn't think Islam is a threat to anything or anyone (lke Pepe) and is still fighting the 2000 presidential election.

Tecumseh said...

Not mutually exclusive explanations. What you say also makes sense, and I bet there are are a few more competing (and concurrent) impulses at work.

MFT: Instead of simply arguing about this, how about submitting a study to the NIH or something, and make an honest buck at pop-psychoanalyzing the death wish of the pinko Left?

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, that's a great idea. The Social Sciences should be made aware for they could push their positivistic findings to new scholastic levels.

We first have to get W out of office. He makes Pepe and me so mad!

The Darkroom said...

ai - a short bout in Berkeley and you're already buying into the new age psycho-babble crap ? Soon they'll have you wearing nothing but a sheet, head shaved smoking weed at Esalon.

Tecumseh said...

Just wait till I get to la Nouvelle Orleans this winter! A trip to the French Quarter, and a shot of Red #5 Hurricane will make me into a pussy-footing, baguette-carrying Frenchy in no time.