Teens want to get abortions w/o parental consent & you conservatives get pissed off. Now this is exactly the opposite, and you still are pissed off. They should have used a coat hanger on the little slut right off the bat, i say.
Actually it is one of the only conservatives stands that I have no problem with although I don't agree with it. It makes sense that, if you are under the belief that life becomes at conception, then abortion amounts to murder.
It says clearly in Leviticus though that if your daugther sluts around, she should be stoned to death by the whole village .What is a god-fearing christian to do when faced with the dilemna of giving the mother a richly deserved punishment and preserving the life of the unborn ?
The answer is easy: Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s. There is absolutely no question of stoning people or anything like that in this Republic (unless you want to get a date with Ole Sparky at San Quentin).
Teens want to get abortions w/o parental consent & you conservatives get pissed off. Now this is exactly the opposite, and you still are pissed off.
They should have used a coat hanger on the little slut right off the bat, i say.
AI! What a Fascist you are! You want people simply exercising their right to choose to go to jail? Shame.
Actually it is one of the only conservatives stands that I have no problem with although I don't agree with it. It makes sense that, if you are under the belief that life becomes at conception, then abortion amounts to murder.
It says clearly in Leviticus though that if your daugther sluts around, she should be stoned to death by the whole village .What is a god-fearing christian to do when faced with the dilemna of giving the mother a richly deserved punishment and preserving the life of the unborn ?
The answer is easy: Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s. There is absolutely no question of stoning people or anything like that in this Republic (unless you want to get a date with Ole Sparky at San Quentin).
There is absolutely no question of stoning people or anything like that in this Republic
So Pepe is still in the "I confuse my sons of pigs and apes with my bible thumpers" stage of his theological pondering?
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