Friday, September 15, 2006

What would you do ?

ok - quit pretending. How would you have handled this ?


The Darkroom said...

I would personally try what I know would be my younger brother's approach: when confronted, deny. Deny with such force and conviction that your accuser eventually becomes unsure of what he saw. I've seen him do this many times - it is amazing how well it works.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hence the psychological force of French foreign policy

The Darkroom said...

The only one nation denying any wrongdoing is the US (ok and the UK). matter of fact, they have quite a bit of denying to do...

Arelcao Akleos said...

eh? And La France has admitted to exactly what wrongdoing? Ah, but of course, La Putaine Parisienne is ever pure and honorable.

The Darkroom said...

aa - if you must use our slang, get it right: it's putain. or just stick to long-winded english sentences.

Tecumseh said...

Boys, boys! Stop arguing, and back to the subject at hand. Yes, funny story. It reminds of that ad, Get a laptop.

Mr roT said...

Or this one: here.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Our Slang'???? In the Crescent City? Putaines know why it is the Big E, see?

The Darkroom said...

Yup. Then you blow bubbles in there - it's really great fun, you should try it.

Mr roT said...

Sounds neat, but what about backflow? Can I use an old regulator from my scuba stuff?

The Darkroom said...

what about backflow?
don't be so uptight, man - it's half the fun !