Friday, January 30, 2009

Dowd on a rampage

How are these ruthless, careless ghouls who murdered the economy still walking around (not to mention that sociopathic sadist Bernie Madoff?) — and not as perps? Bring on the shackles. Let the show trials begin. OK, maybe not really show trials like in 1938 (pinkos would kill for that!), but Dowd for once has a point. How come none of these charlatans and con artists is yet behind bars? Bubba is getting impatient.


Mr roT said...

So far, all of the bigs that lost their asses with Madoff had it coming.

This is Darwin plain and simple.

Anyway, Dowd is probably really saying that the Reps in the House that voted against our Lord and Saviour's 900 G$ giveaway (to pinkos and unions, may I add?) should be the ones in shackles.

There's a rule in the sciences that's the opposite of true elsewhere, and it's right in the sciences only unfortunately.

In the sciences, you cannot safely ignore assholes because they are often right about things (if not in fact a lot of things).

Outside of the sciences this is not true. Once someone has shown their character in a soft field and it is bad, it is pretty safe and even the safest route to ignore that person henceforth.

Hitchens has been a posturing and intolerable idiot for a couple years and has dutifully put on his kneepads for Obama along with Brooks, that Moral Arbiter for the World.

Dowd is an entertainment writer for the left, just a Limbaugh or Ann Coulter in negative.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Whatever, Rot.

Give Madoff his cement shoes and let him swim Lake Michigan.

Tecumseh said...

Good repartee, AA.

Pepe le Pew said...

Dowd is an entertainment writer for the left, just a Limbaugh or Ann Coulter in negative.

Dowd is often funny and occasionally accurate. Coulter has never displayed either trait and Limbaugh is funny to the extent that he makes an ass of himself. I think Dowd deserves better than that.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Dowd's intellect makes Coulter's look like that of fucking Socrates in comparison.
And Pepe? Callicles.

Mr roT said...

AA, Tecs, since neither of you is strictly speaking in the sciences, I think it best that you return to good behavior.

OK, for AA it's too late. Only Tecs reads his posts all the way through.

Tecumseh said...

Defines "sciences", Mr Rothaus. To me, most of what passes for science is just thinly disguised lysenkoism and/or massaging the data.

Mr roT said...

But math is a beauty or popularity contest, viz the outstanding success of the woman...