Sunday, January 25, 2009

Global warming strikes again

Saudi desert covered with 4 inches of snow. Pepe in denial. JJ cranks up the SUV, while MFT, AA & AI freeze their butts to varying degrees.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Geology is dangerous to all groups, though, as it simultaneously disproves that the earth can be Biblically dated while demonstrating how puny humanity actually is in the context of the history of the earth.

A local example: Dr. John Bluemle is now a retired geologist for the North Dakota Geological Survey, and also an individual whose politics tended (and still do) toward the liberal.

Bluemle had to calmly demonstrate the theories that guided his research to the more firebrand elements of the state, the political Palin-like legislative conservatives that come from the, ah, lesser populated counties, and what we call the reactionary Political Liberal, who is terrified on a book of revelation scale that the world is coming to an end (in this case because of human-born planetary warming). So Bluemle demonstrated that, yes, in the short term, the data suggests that the planet is experiencing some warmth; but in the history of geology, he remains unconvinced that homosapien is to blame. And in the context of geology, he says the models suggest another ice age is looming.

As for the Palin-like legislative conservatives, every year the North Dakota legislature listened to Bluemle's talk, him basically rationalizing the need for a geological survey. And so far as I know Bluemle always tried to get them to understand the necessity of geology, and how it benefitted water and petroleum and natural gas exploration, and scholarship in general.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So, judging by this post, Hell does freeze over.

Tecumseh said...

AA: Now and then. It's someone up there showing the finger to Al Gore.

MFT: Nice account of John Bluemle's presentation. I wish there were more people approaching this issue in such a fashion. But it's hard to go against the dominant weltanschauung...

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA said: So, judging by this post, Hell does freeze over.

I'd take the "hell" of secular humanity and earth over the swooning delusions of religious romantics. The former is much more provoking, engaging and, well, you get it. The latter is akin to passively watching TV, open-mouth breathing style and all: after three hours, the religious romantics won't be able to tell you what they just watched, but they still assert they are happy. And yes, so are the cud-chewing cows, and that 300lb person you see waddling through Walmart.

AI, glad to provide the report. Bluemle's hearing suffers a bit these days, and I enjoy chatting with him, but to anyone else in the room not privy to Bluemle's ear drum status, it looks as though mft is once again yelling at senior citizens.