Monday, January 26, 2009

Terror is the new communism, says Pepe

Fro the Dennis Prager show transcript: As they say on the TV show 24, the following took place last week between 9 and 10 p.m. on a flight from Los Angeles to Denver. I spoke for a few minutes to the 20-year-old woman seated across the aisle from me. She: What brings you to Denver? Me: I am giving a speech. She: What do you do? Me: I'm a radio talk show host. She: Who did you vote for? Me: McCain She: Why? Me: Smaller government and the war on terror. She: Terror is the new communism. Me: Communism killed about a hundred million people. And who do you think attacked and killed 3,000 of us on Sept. 11? She: The government.

For the record, as I believe this to be essential to understanding this young womans views, she is a student attending the University of California Santa Barbara. Truth is she had to be a student at a major university. She would never have come up with Terror is the new Communism on her own. It is a moral obscenity that one has to learn. Of course, there is an irony to this statement. Meant in the opposite way she meant it, I could largely assent to the proposition that terror is the new communism.

Pepe would collapse into a puddle, shaking uncontrollably, if such a heretical thought would ever cross his mind. The horror! The horror!


Arelcao Akleos said...

Socialism, International and National, is Peace, Love, Truth, and a Distinctive Lack of Terror.
Tecumseh, did you learn nothing from the radiant 20th Century????

Mr roT said...

This is rich. Reminds me of that time I was on the Worcester-Boston train and by the immense stupidity of the conversation I heard, I figured the conversationalists were not from a middling school like NEU, BU, BC, WPI, Holy Cross,..., but had to be from Harvard, MIT, of Wellesley.

Sure enough.

And to make matters worse, they followed me all the way home to my artsy fuck neighborhood in JP.

Tecumseh said...

Where does UCSD fit into this spectrum?

Mr roT said...

Badass physics dept. Who cares about the rest?

Arelcao Akleos said...

UCSD is definitely above UCD, UCR, UCSC,UCSF, UCI, UCM. Below UCB, UCLA. Kinda on par, sorta above, UCSB. Oh, you weren't talking about Philosophy?

Mr roT said...

Natural Philosophy, you shitsop.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Oh,that would be Cambridge, 1850, Herr Sopschitt.