Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Madoff spill off

[On Pollock's Googleday no less! -- Mr Rot]


Mr roT said...

Warhol and de Koonig don't belong on a campus anyway. The museum was a foolish pretension in the first place, and an attempt to take the country club atmosphere of the US university to a new height.

They should have had a machine shop or a whorehouse instead of that shit.

Tecumseh said...

The carpet gotta go, too. Looks like a Warhol thingie, anyhow.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Heck, they could have put up prints of that pollackia in the hallways between the Institute for Marxist Feminist Studies and its conceptual rival, the Center for Feminist Marxist Studies.
Provide cover for student chunder.

Mr roT said...

Wow, you're right, Tecs. I can't tell the carpet from the 'art'.

This guy Madoff is my hero! If anyone is thinking about jail for the guy, they're nuts.

May I suggest the medal of freedom?

Pepe le Pew said...

how do you figure?

Pepe le Pew said...

You mean like Simon Wiesenthal ?

Tecumseh said...

In other news, trust fund boys are also getting madoffed, and they are mad as hell. What sez you?

Tecumseh said...

Channeling Mr. Rot:

If I lose my job and health insurance for my family, I start selling stuff. I dont' care what the stuff is, my family is more important. The university has lost a big part of their endowment - no different. Should they turn off the heat to save the museum? In any case, most modern art is crap anyway, so the sooner they profit from it, the better.
by markbul January 28, 10:28 AM