Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Literary cretinism from Planet AI

He's absolutely correct about Bond. His "creator" Ian Fleming was of the old british Empire school of history and the character reflects his world view. Vicious Asians, dumb Africans etc, the whole revolting package. . .

The episode where Bond "converts" a lesbian to heterosexuality with his amazing lovemaking is straight out of the same kind of adolescent male fantasy that fuels the imaginations of gullible young men who go off to war to kill, mutilate and die in the service of the privileged chickenhawks at home.

At least Rudyard Kipling had some respect for the colonized people, plus a lot more creative and writing talent.


Tecumseh said...

Has Matt figured out the difference between P(n,k) and C(n,k)?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, the first is Pink and the second is Cunt. He's already snuck that theorem onto the janitorial board.

Pepe le Pew said...

"[Palin] a really terrifying possibility."
In rwn-land, being of the appropriate ideological persuasion is the only qualification required.

Mr roT said...

In pinkoland, reproduction is a terrifying possibility, and I agree.

Pepe le Pew said...

Then you should take comfort in our willingness to abort.

Pepe le Pew said...

At least Rudyard Kipling had some respect for the colonized people, plus a lot more creative and writing talent.

Maybe, but he never boned Sophie Marceau or Grace Jones.

Mr roT said...

You can have Grace Jones. Makes me vomit just to think about it.

But who got to bone Sophie Morceau (heh)?

Pepe le Pew said...

Commander Bond, of course.