Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pepean Wet Celluloid Dreams

Radiant Stuff.


Tecumseh said...

Sicko pinkos.

Tecumseh said...

BTW, AA, what did you do with that pic? America is facing the wrong way on that globe -- is that yet another malefic pinko plot?

Pepe le Pew said...

Fortunately, this era is now solidly headed where it belongs.

Tecumseh said...

Which era are we talking about? And what does "solidly headed" mean? As opposed to "liquidly headed" or "gaseously headed"?

Pepe le Pew said...

Since that wasn't clear, by voting for Obama, your compatriots unequivocally relegated the bush administration's assault on civil liberties in the same place as MacCarthyism to the trash can of history.
They aren't buying the notion that torture, and some of the "patriot" act's dubious provisions are a legitimate or effective way to combat terror any longer.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The density of lying in Pepe's passage above [ Well, er "Ministry of Truthiness" if Pepe wishes to feel politically glamorous to his fellow thugs of the Left] would be enough to give even the lamest Harvard undergrad convertee to agitprop Chomskianism pause.
The "assault on civil liberties" was the killing, or capture, of enemy combatants and agents. Real bad stuff. After all, isn't the AmericanWay laying down your head meekly down on the chopping block like a good kulacky dhimmi should? What worse omen of Yankee Evil to Come than that day Bush decided to fight after 9/11 rather than bending down on knee and begging abject apology from that nice global Red-Green Alliance for having allowed their most Magnificent 19 to perish in the incompetence that is our aviation and construction industries.
The defeat of McCain was definitely not on the issue of fighting against IM. You know that of course. But it would be hard to be a consistent liar if you did not bother to know the truth first. After all, you might randomly hit truth, and that is not what your political discourse is about. If MCCain had made that a much stronger part of the campaign, and had the gumption to directly bring before public debate this puppet of Soros, with all those strings dancing his immersion in the Marxist and Islamic worlds, had had the gumption to directly bring out the great congame the MSM was pulling on the nation, he would have won.
Whatever forces led to Obamakles' opportunity at building the Reich you desire, it sure wasn't that Yanks saw Hussein as a force for liberty and democracy, or Bush wrongheaded for having fought against our enemies.
That you lay that merde out here, Le Pew, shows only that you have become so surfeited with your Vichy shit that you cannot open your traps without the Brownshirt coming out.
Ululate only you want at the looming extinction of democracy and the freedoms and rights of men. Dress snazzily as the Red Green in the daily bung of your own private Merdi Gros. Pat yourself on the butt, what's left of it which is unKaylized, for having both lived well on Yank flesh and yet done your little duty as a maggot to destroy it. But save the fucking lies for when you are surrounded by your Pepean kind and can amuse yourselves with such sport.

Tecumseh said...

Well put, AA -- but don't hold your breath. Pepe has all the earmarks of someone who cannot think on his own, but rather, lamely parrots the Party Line. In the 1930s and 1940s, there was quite a bit of rationale for doing so -- the alternative was stark, though some brave souls stood up, even then. But to pontificate in such a bullshitty way, without being coerced in the least, is plainly pathetic. Alas, such is the pinko id that realization is completely ruled out. It used to be possible decades ago for an out-and-out Trotskyist and even a flaming liberal to have an epiphany -- but no more. At least, not in an advanced case like this one.

Pepe le Pew said...

Ululate only you want at the looming extinction of democracy and the freedoms and rights of men.

Oh, god, there he goes again. Come on AA, cut out the bullshit. The barn is not on fire and no one wants to rape your favorite sow - she's all yours.

Pepe le Pew said...

If MCCain had made that a much stronger part of the campaign, and had the gumption to directly bring before public debate this puppet of Soros, with all those strings dancing his immersion in the Marxist and Islamic worlds, had had the gumption to directly bring out the great congame the MSM was pulling on the nation, he would have won.

AA - terror is your little pet concern, and you ought to come to grips with the fact that, although it is worrisome on the scale of countless other societal evils, the nation has more immediate and threatening problems to agonize over. McCain would have done even worse had that been the focus of his campaign: drumming up a distant and minor Osama threat at a time when people find holding to their jobs and homes challenging and healthcare increasingly unaffordable would have been an even quicker death.
I'll give you that it would have been entertaining to hear Mac giggle your favorite boogeyman.

Pepe le Pew said...

Well put, AA

Do you have no gag reflex, Tec ?

Tecumseh said...

Not as developed as your Pavlov reflex, inasmuch as you keep on parroting the pinko Party Line like no matter what. It's like talking to a pre-programmed robot...