Monday, January 26, 2009

I nearly cried my eyelashes off!

It's all about feelings, AI. Hey, fuck. If Barrack can do it, I can too. Can hardly disagree with her.


Tecumseh said...

Who needs to run for a Senate seat, anymore? It's all a big family. Versailles redux, in a sort of Versailles, fin-de-règne way. Madame Pompadour would fit right in.

Tecumseh said...

A stinking peasant rumbles at the Versailles overlords:

Environmental worries didn't figure into his coronation last week. I'm sure all of those limos, suvs and PRIVATE JETS don't cause any emissions. Just like that bloated fool Al Gore. Do as I say, not as I do. What's he up to now 300 pounds? I'm sure he's got lots of exhaust coming out of him. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem cleaning up the environment. The problem is I'm suppose to live like Fred and Barney while these guys live like the rules don't apply to them.

Oh, shut up, and get on with the program -- says Pepe.

Mr roT said...

Dunno. If all we get out of an election with an electorate of idiots is Pres Banana, then maybe appointments are the way to go. Mme Pompadour can't be worse than Blago and Biden.

Mr roT said...

Yay! We elected a Scientist-in-Chief. What will he do after making the oceans recede like Moses?

Make F=-ma?

Tecumseh said...

In the meantime, here is a new course offering at MIT: Oprah will be guest lecturer?

Mr roT said...

Why don't they concentrate on porn like in real women's studies programs?