Monday, March 30, 2009

Cat and Pig at War

Poor Orwell, with Eliot he had a Snowball's chance in Harvard to get published. Pretty upfront about rejecting it for political reasons. His more literary criticisms would have just a wee bit more heft if TS wasn't the "honored" author of a bunch of indigestible, hooey dripping, cat poems [yeah, if you've ever suffered through "Cats" you can thank Mr. Eliot]
Next thing we'll find out is that Updike was behind O'Toole's difficulties in getting published.

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

T.S. Eliot as the keeper of the pinko orthodoxy? Odd, but not that odd. Clearly, Eliot could tell that Animal Farm was a good novel (to put it mildly). But this was 1944, and pinkos everywhere were enamored of Uncle Joe (most still are). So no Kant do. Planet Pepe in a nutshell.