Tuesday, March 31, 2009


almost all the key assertions the Bush administration made about Zubaida were wrong.

Zubaida wasn’t a major al Qaeda figure. He wasn’t holding back critical information. His torture didn’t produce valuable intelligence — and it certainly didn’t save lives.


Tecumseh said...

Pepe sucks up to Binnie boyz. Surprise, surprise.

Pepe le Pew said...

the merits of the argument, tec, the merits. you and aa just can't get it in your (thick?) skulls that it isn't about me.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, yes, Pepe back into "the Grey Old Ho I Trust" mode.

Right back with that "hey, we can let all those poor innocent lads at Guantanamo go. After all, the Grey Old Lady and HuffnpuffHo all vouch for 'em".
Had the Magnificent 19 been stopped, Le Pew would have been manning the "We're supposed to believe these fine upstanding young gentlemen with their teeny weeny utility knives and nice Islamic hygiene were gonna bring down the WTC, and blow up the Pentagon and the Capital??? Ha, Bush Kabal Neokkkon Warmongers, go back to Stupidton, Texas!"

Between the alliance of Pepean dolts which is the Wilson-Plume CIA and the MSM Party Liners, and the sustained actions of Islam Militant over the last 3 decades, for some bizarre reason I choose to trust the meaning of those actions over the assertions of the subalterns of PP "intelligence" [there is no oxymoron more thoroughgoing than this last].
Le Pew, of course, has always chosen otherwise.
Precisely why he, like those subalterns, have achieved such sustained insight into the shape of things to come; From the strength of the Soviet Union to the power of Hussein's armed forces, to the effectiveness of "Oil for Food", to the moderate spirit and gentle intentions of Islam Militant, to the impossibility of succeeding in any "surge" in Iraq, all the way over to mere old fashioned assurance that Obamakles was The One We Could Trust.
With PP, it is gerbils gnawing all the way through the cerebral cortex.

Pepe le Pew said...

My ! The data doesn't fit the neoconic torture dogma. Quick, let's beat on the messenger.

Tecumseh said...

"Data"? What "data" are you talking about, Pepe? All I can see is some speculation from obviously biased (pro-Binnie) sources. Dismissed.

Pepe le Pew said...

what was the critical information obtained ?
what plots were foiled ?
what intell obtained ?
whose lives were saved ?

If you believe in the efficiency of the method, surely the answers will just roll out of your fingers.

Tecumseh said...

Info on al Qaeda and the Binnie boyz -- maybe even Pepe have heard of these? What else do you want: operational details on all the AQ plots? Why bother, when you dismiss any and all such plots (and actual attacks) as Molotov-throwing incidents (in the best of cases), or simply ululate in joy when those bastards kill people?

Pepe le Pew said...

specifics, tec, not "information was obtained" generalities. why do you believe it worked with this guy, goddamit ?

Pepe le Pew said...

Pepe, this kind of a news story is pretty unsatisfying because almost all the ins and outs are secrets.

That's exactly my point: there is not enough information to believe it actually works and it is easy to make this tip either way to satisfy one's own agenda. That being said, unless something is verifiable, there is no reason to believe in it.

Mr roT said...

That includes this story though.