Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obamakles Imperators

Betcha you didn't know The One had the constitutional writ to command private enterprises and who they employ. Ha, why do you think Planet Pepe made sure he's The One, to have a stinking Free Republic?


Mr roT said...

I disagree with your premise. GM is now a piece of the US government like the USDA or the NIH. Obama can tell them what to do if they ask him for money.

That's not to say that the situation is sickening. It was the Saul Alinskys unionizing and destroying American business that got us to this point. Now that this is a Democrat Party shop, let us just make sure to buy Jap cars made here and the people that build them are paid to work, not belong to a mafia.

At least we need only pay for them once.

Mr roT said...

I dropped a minus sign, but I am sure you got my drift.

Tecumseh said...

Wow. I sort of understand Mr Rot's point -- up to a point. But even by full hog Socialist standards, this move is rather unprecedented. The State firing the CEO of GM, just like that? We're talking an iconic US company here -- not some Chicago ward outfit. Used to be, "what's good for GM is good for the US". How low have we sunk, that we now have a zombie dinosaur/white elephant of a company that can't make decent cars, and is run by apparatchiks from DC? Even in the heyday of in-your face Socialism in France, Mitterand didn't go so far with Renault or Citroën, did he? So, Mr. Rot, I beg to disagree: however you slice it, this move stinks.

Pepe le Pew said...

This makes perfect sense: giving these guys cash alone is betting on the management. Management that has been designing shitty cars for years and certainly don't have a vision for what compelling us-made cars could be.
I don't think anyone should bail these guys out, but if they do, getting rid of the people at the top is necessary. Now who is going to take the reigns is the next question.

Mr roT said...

Pepe you hit the point. Of course we know who Obama will pick though. Someone no one here will like.

Pepe le Pew said...

I think it's more like, if Obie one picked him, then you won't like him.

Mr roT said...

I doubt you would either, Pepe. These guys will go for the permanent, addicted client, just like in good old welfare days.

No way no how are the taxpayers or any schmuck buying a car gonna get a good deal.

Pepe le Pew said...

right - that's what I say: let'em sink.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Oh, Pepe, will like whoever he has to like to stay in the graces of the new order. He WILL die an Aristo, if it kills him.

Mr roT said...

Me too, Pepe. Let the bastards sink. But also oppose the card-check legislation that the Dems are trying to shove through the Congress that will turn every single goddamned car assembly line into another fucking Detroit.

Pepe le Pew said...

Rot - I have no sympathy for the complete waste of resources that this bailout is. But as bad as it is, it's a better situation than we would have had with ol'dumpy and the crazy caribou bible-mama.

AA - why don't you stick a second gerbil up your ass instead of barking like a little doggie ?

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of Peugeot -Citroën: its CEO, Christian Steiff, was also fired today. But I very much doubt that that was done by Sarkozy (at least, I don't think France is a banana republic to do so).

I used to say, mostly in jest, "We are all French now". Alas, we've passed the Frenchies by now--on the left. Except for all those Renault-burnings and those idiotic strikes, France is looking more appealing by the day. And it's warmer there than in Iceland.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Be careful, Tecumseh, you might be on Balthasar's little list.

You're squeals are becoming very high pitched, Pepe, the gerbils are digging your snazzy SS cloaca?