Saturday, March 28, 2009

Merkel didn't get the memo

More surprisingly, neither did Pedro Solbes ("there is no room for new fiscal stimulus plans") -- though of course, Brown and Sarkozy play O-ball with abandon. The assault by European Union leaders represents a defeat for President Barack Obama, who is desperate for other big economies to copy his $800 billion stimulus plan. 800 measly billions? I thought Geithner is printing trillions. I say, let's get serious, and start talking about quadrillions.
[Added illus. so this post has a reason to live. -- Rot]


Tecumseh said...

More: "This crisis did not come about because we issued too little money but because we created economic growth with too much money, and it was not sustainable growth," Merkel said. "If we want to learn from that, the answer is not to repeat the mistakes of the past." Duhhh. But obvious things are no longer that obvious, in this Brave New World of ours. Having a PhD in Q-Chem apparently helps keep contact with the ground.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Same time -- just look it up. Tie. No VCP.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The only reason you came first is that the program settles tiebreakers by alphabetical order of the authors names.
C'mon, sisters, fess up. It's a draw and start puckering up.

Mr roT said...

OK, AA, you pay me the VCP.