Friday, March 27, 2009

Save the sodomites! Cut us all!

UPDATE: President Obama wants our prepuces.


Tecumseh said...

Pinko propaganda. I don't buy it.

Mr roT said...

You can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids?

The Darkroom said...
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Mr roT said...


Did he used to have Mao penis?

Tecumseh said...

Rot: Reading is essential. That Chinese guy had his dick chopped (and pickled) in the 1930s. Mao and his Red Guards threw away the pickle jar sometimes in the 1960s (you know, the decade when the flower children that you so much love and admire did their thing.) At any rate, where was I? Ah, yes. You're in a pickle now, Mr Rot. Only a bubbly VCP will extirpate you from that.

Mr roT said...

I was punning (Mao=more), you puny-minded Html-man. You're only lucky you didn't get the full Mies van der Rohe treatment, which is almost nothing.

Tecumseh said...

Mao=more? That's a huge stretch, and as contrived a pun as I've encountered in the past year or so. Stop diggin', Mr Rot, or you'll soon get to Mao's China.