Friday, March 27, 2009

Now they tell us!

His performance has been weaker than those who endorsed his candidacy, including this newspaper, had hoped. Many of his strongest supporters—liberal columnists, prominent donors, Democratic Party stalwarts—have started to question him. Oopsie daisie. But not Pepe, no siree. He is more stalled than any wart up his wazoo.


Tecumseh said...

The nuancey boys were wrong on Obama, and the knuckledragging morons were right. There is no post-partisan centrist "grappling" with the economy, only a transformative radical willing to make Americans poorer in the cause of massive government expansion.

Duhhh... Is there anyone surprised on this board? Presumably not Pepe, who devoutly wished triumphant Socialism all along. Maybe MFT? But he's too busy getting his ass out of the river to worry about any of this...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, we could use a missive from MFT. Just to make sure he's not floating down the Missouri about now.

Tecumseh said...

This is one way to get to Nawlins. Does MFT have a raft?

Mr roT said...

At some point, The Economist, Messrs Brooks, Buckley & Co are going to have to acknowledge this. If they're planning on spending the rest of his term tutting that his management style is obstructing the effective implementation of his centrist agenda, it's going to be a long four years.

Yeah, but Tecs was the one screaming loudest that McCain was no Harvard economist and Palin's not as smart as racial grievancist Michelle or that guy Susan that invented the turban [sic] without even a cellphone.

Tecumseh said...

Marie, Mr Rot, Marie -- not Susan. Except for that, you got it all down pat. Not.