Sunday, March 29, 2009



Mr roT said...

Explain your angle, Pepe. Sounds like you're posting that one of us would, but without the Gangbangatus Rex label.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Crikey, Pepe and Co always out looking for The Leader.
Can't lead yourselves, Vichy?

Pepe le Pew said...

My angle ? He's obviously right. But it's not like Palin and what's-his-name had the skills to do any better.

Tecumseh said...

Classy Pepeanism.

Mr roT said...

Maybe not skills, Pepe, but ideology. They never would have put us in such shit.

You have a Lagrangean and you can stay away from the fuck-ups of the guy that has none (or a wrong one).

Best wishes, but the Left has failed us. Again. And being 'smarter' than the clowns like Reagan and Halliburton, & Co. will not and never will help.

It's Burke.