Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dose Evool Kapitalists and Rushsteins

So, when does the Two Minutes of Hate start? Le Pew is probably tired of shrieking virtually and anon. And Kayla is being gentler with him these days. Set Pepe Free, Let the Hate Start!
Hang Heer Kapital
Rushstein is Evoool
Socialism is Dada, O Free Market
Pat Loves The One
Little Ashley Loves The One


Mr roT said...

all of our bases are belong to Him

Tecumseh said...

What is wrong with Rush Limbaugh? Why does he heavily criticize our leader? Why does he not listen to him? He is leading our nation and is probably the best president that has ever existed. You're either with Obama who is here to help EVERYONE, a man who stands for equality ... or you're with the old America which has only helped the rich and wealthy, which stands for capitalism, individualism, and the free market.

I choose Obama ... the one and only savior of this lovely and beautiful nation! People like Rush Limbaugh need to leave this country!

Good find, AA. Yet chilling. To the bone.

Mr roT said...

Jeez, Tecs. I post even more chilling stuff from HuffPo and you tell me I should post from WaPo instead, where a more 'reasonable' blog is kept.

This is old. The same bloggers at HuffPo that were all but calling for assassination a few months ago are now telling everyone that dislikes Geithner to give Obama's guy a chance, that we're all Americans, that Obama is our president and so on.


Mr roT said...

BTW, the new Duden spelling is 'chillin'.

More VCP.

Tecumseh said...

What's chilling is the zombie-like adoration of The Leader, combined with the vilification of anyone impertinent enough to as much as raise a peep. And it's not just some random PepeHead blowing smoke: it's an orchestrated campaign.

Mr roT said...
