Monday, March 30, 2009

VRWC on a roll!

FOX NEWS AT WORK through FOX TV NETWORKS??? lol it took them long enough. I THOUGHT FOX NEWS WAS GOING TO ATTACK OBAMA THROUGH THE SIMPSONS A LONG TIME AGO. This is an attack by the right, very carefully done with humor. They'll bring obama's popularity numbers down, some how, some way. EVEN IF IT TAKES USING ONE OF THE BIGGEST CARTOON ICONS ON TV.


Tecumseh said...

Pepe trolling at HuffPo?

Tecumseh said...

Ah, I see. But Goldwater's line was heartfelt, and coherent, whether you agree with him or not. (I do; his speech, together with Reagan's speech from the same year--1964--are two masterpieces of American oratory, I think). At any rate, this HuffPo drivel, by comparison, is just crappy chickenshit dung.