Monday, March 30, 2009

PP Pisses On the People, Murthfully


Pepe le Pew said...

Yeah, pepe has inifinte respect for religion. the un has definitely handed me a major victory there.

talking about gay jokes, do you remember the one about lovers John & Mike walking on the beach and kicking the genie lamp, rot ? Cumulated racist and homophobic humor: a fantastic breath of fresh air.

Pepe le Pew said...

oh, i'm off one thread.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, this was shaping to be one of the funniest non-sequiturs FCP has seen. Guess it doesn't really count, now. Damn it.

Pepe le Pew said...

I'm sure you'll have other opportunities.

Tecumseh said...

AA: Where is the "pinko hog heaven" label? I mean, duh -- if this story doesn't fit the label to a T, I don't know which one does.

Mr roT said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Pepe, what's the goddamned joke? I forgot it!

Pepe le Pew said...

Thought you knew it from the good ol'days.

So Joe and Tom are having romantic a stroll on the beach holding hands. When Joe accidentally kicks a bottle and...out comes a genie.
"I have been in this bottle for 300 years" says he "thank you for saving me. to show my appreciation, I will grant each of you one wish".
"I want $10M to buy my beachfront property says Tom".
"Done" says the genie. "It's already in your bank account. What about you Joe ?".
"I think I'll just hold out for a while" says Joe.

Weeks go by and one evening, as Joe & Tom are in their new beachfront property making love in front of the waves crashing on the shore, they hear a deafening crash. Their front door is kicked in and a mob bursts into their bedroom and drags them outside on the lawn, where they see two nooses hanging from their oak tree.

"Quick, make your wish and get us out of this!" squeaks Tom.

"I can't, I've already made the wish", says Joe.

"What ? w-w-w-what did you wish for ?"

"I wished we were hung like black men".

Tecumseh said...

Pretty funny.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"AA: Where is the "pinko hog heaven" label? I mean, duh -- if this story doesn't fit the label to a T, I don't know which one does."

Crikey, I didn't even know we had a label "pinko hog heaven". The list is getting so long I'm losing track of what people have added.
Added to post.