Saturday, March 28, 2009

Total silence on FCP

conflicted boys?


Arelcao Akleos said...

About what?

Pepe le Pew said...


Mr roT said...

What's your point, Pepe? Some dirty people out there. Making abortions legal, if anything, would make it easier for step-dad to screw the kids. He could then go make them have abortions with no scandal.

Still, the kid is abused.

Am I missing out on some of your condomology?

Pepe le Pew said...

Forcing a girl to have a kid she can't care for as a way to dissuade child abuse?

Arelcao Akleos said...

As usual, Pepe gets it wrong by exactly 180 degrees. The point is to prevent child abuse [and punish mightily those who indulge in child abuse--forget that softy "dissuade" shit]. Now, in doing so one of the good consequences is cutting down the odds a girl is having an unwanted child. But unwanted children is a separate issue, and is not the reason for preventing child abuse. Child abuse should be prevented because it is abuse of children, plain and simple.
Or is Le Pew gonna be fine with boys being abused, seeing as no children will ensue?

You want to talk about unwanted children, Pepe, and your favorite final solution for that problem, fine.
You want to talk about the fuckers who abuse children, Pepe, and your wide stance on that, fine.
But those are two independent issues.
You want to conflate them to allow you to escape clarity as to what they are about? Fine. But you will travel that obscurantist path alone.

Mr roT said...

Same as with the condoms, Pepe. You make it OK for everyone to fuck everyone else, and what you get is more fucking with more people. That's how diseases are spread, condoms present or not.

There's bound to be a name for your logical fallacy. I guess it's that you attempt systematically to go after a cure for the symptom rather than the cause--when it suits you.

When you think that W and Halliburton and Israel and racism (or whatever) caused Saddam's 'problems' or inner-city crime and drug abuse, then you get to 'root causes' you like pretty quick.

Pepe le Pew said...

But you will travel that obscurantist path alone.
Actually, only religious obscurantists aren't traveling my path here. The pope has been so widely condemned on the excommunication of the mother, it is amazing you would state i am alone.

Now, in doing so one of the good consequences is cutting down the odds a girl is having an unwanted child.
Like a trickle down effect ? In the same way the death penalty deters murders, perhaps ?
you can't seriously believe this.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe, Pepe, Pepe: your logical thinking (whatever is left of it, after years of abuse by a pinko-addled ideology) is spiraling down into opera buffa.

OK, OK, we all know the Pope (and, by extension, Catholicism) is your bete noire. Big deal, this is a sine-qua-non: an absolutely necessary (but not sufficient) condition of being a pinko. Babbling on and on about your abhorrence of Catholicism does not add an iota of substance to the discussion: stop wasting electrons for nothing.

As for your other pseudo-connections, logical fallacies, and assorted Pepeanisms, AA and Mr Rot spent enough time and energy debunking them, no need to pile up.