Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye, Bayh

He wasn't that bad, but he also had enough.

UPDATE: See updates III, IV, V here. Bayh is putting the Dums in a real bihnd in quitting so late. --Rot


Mr roT said...

Ka-Boom! Let's just make sure Tecs' purity of essence types in Nevada don't saddle us with more Reid.

Tecumseh said...

You alternate between calling me Jack D. Ripper and saying I pulled for Jean-Francois Kerry. Which one is it? Make up your mind, Herr Rot, willya?

Mr roT said...

You want me to be as monotonous and tone-deaf as you and AA? No thanks! I will channel Leverkühn and Pepe before that!

You were wrong on Fallujah by going Burpelson AFB and you were wrong for going full Andrew Sullivan pulling hard for Kerry-Edwards.

Sorry, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Sometimes high, sometimes outside, sometimes inside.

You learn to pitch consistent, then you'll get the same judgment over and over.

Settle down, it's the third inning.

Tecumseh said...

Looks like you are pitching more like forkballs and knuckleballs than fastballs. With lotsa spitballs sprinkled in between - and the occasional fast one down the middle once in a blue moon, to be sure. In the meantime, I try hitting them spitballs over the Green Monster. While adding the VCPs to the tab, to be settled at Bukowsky's, hopefully later this year.

Tecumseh said...

So Dems are trotting Baron Hill? He the guy started pulling rank on the stinking peasants daring to ask him questions during the summer? Obligatory bunker clip.