Monday, February 15, 2010

Congressman from Galveston rails against kicking up the can down the road


Mr roT said...

So Paul wants to go back to the bullshit standard. Probably because he'd be a billionaire in cowchips.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, I thought he's your buddy. Actually, if you tune out his gold bug mania, and all his bs about foreign affairs (well, that's a lot to tune out, but stay with me), he sounds pretty knowledgeable when it comes to pure economics and financial affairs.

In fact, during the primaries, Ron Paul wiped the floor with Mac when it came to economics stuff (well, so did Mitt). I know, I know, you discounted all this stuff during the primaries, saying that all that mattered was that Mac had been a pilot, about 50-60 years ago. Chickens came home to roost in September-October of 2008, when the financial crisis hit full force, and Mac was left floundering, totally out of his depth. I think that fact alone, more than any other single factor, sunk Mac in 2008.

As the mad Cajun said, "it's the economy, stupid". And, not to beat a dead horse, that's what's happening also in 2010. Ultimately, if the GOPers want to do something positive, not just bullshit around, or respond to the inanities of the pinko left, they gotta concentrate on the fiscal/economic/jobs stuff before it bites us real hard in the butt. Unfortunately, Paul is too much of wacko to hack it. But we can't afford to put up another ignoramus like Mac. There gotta be someone with brains (and the right instincts, and the communication skills, etc) to do the job right.

Mr roT said...

Mac was out of his depth and Obama acted like he wasn't. That was good enough.

The economic job to do is do nothing and let some people fail.

Tecumseh said...

Yep. It's called "moral hazard". Now, what about dem Greeks? They've been borrowing and spending and playing accounting tricks like crazy to cover up their tracks. Now it's time to pay the piper -- to the tune of some $300 billion. (The tab, Herr Rot, the tab!) Would you bail them out, or let them sink or swim?

Mr roT said...

Pretty bad to have a Euro without the guys that coined the term.
Still, as the longshoreman said, those guys are all gone and who's there now are barbarians.

Tecumseh said...

Who is the longshoreman? You mean, the guy from Dacia Malvensis?

Mr roT said...

He's a Southron? Who knew?

In urma puternicei rascoale a dacilor din 117 – 118, imparatul; Adrian a reorganizat, in anul 119, provincia Dacia, impartind-o in Dacia Inferior (Oltenia) si Dacia Superior (Banatul si Transilvania). Curand dupa aceasta, tot sub Adrian, s-a creat in nord – vestul D. Superior si o a treia provincie: Dacia Poilissensis. Incepand cu anul 168, cele trei provincii se numesc Dacia Malvenis in sud (a carei denumire vine de la localitatea neidentificata Malva), Dacia Apulensis in centru (de la localitatea Apulum) si Dacia Porolissum in nord (de la localitatea Porolissum, azi Moigrad, langa Zalau). Pamantul dacic, devenit public, a fost impartit sau arendat veteranilor si colonistilor si chiar unor bastinasi.
